Part fantastical historic sonic biopic, part anthropologic journey into the deep roots of Belgium’s monstrous cosmic rock sound, this wholly individualistic concept album combines the lead members of the mighty COS (Daniel Schell and Pascale Son) with studio genius Alain Pierre (Ô Sidarta/Des Morts) and celebrated Dutch progressive rock singer Dick Annegarn, for what many consider to be both the overlooked hiding place of Belgium’s deepest psychedelic moment and European prog’s lost map to the ‘Franco-Flemish Boom’.
- A1 La Ballade Du Zwin
- A2 Ein Kleiner Mann
- A3 UD
- A4 Piume Al Vento
- A5 Nelle
- A6 Granvelle
- A7 Sabina And First Variation
- B1 Un Instant Sous La Hache
- B2 Geuzenlied
- B3 Sabina And Second Variation
- B4 The ff Boom