Coconami, a duo consisting of Yoshida Daikiti and Kusano Akiko, beautifully combines traditional Japanese instruments such as the shamisen and koto with contemporary electronic sounds. The result is a harmonious fusion that pays homage to their cultural roots while embracing modern musical influences.
- 1 Azzurro
- 2 Baby Elephant Walk
- 3 Sophisticated Hula
- 4 Sommer In Der Stadt
- 5 Blue Moon
- 6 Die Zufriedenheit
- 7 A Little Love Song
- 8 Freight Train
- 9 Dicke Bäckerfrau
- 10 Wordy Rappinghood
- 11 Nanigenaku
- 12 Ghost Raiders In The Sky
- 13 Die Lederhosn
- 14 Veronika
- 15 Miyaji Solo