The title ‘Ways To The Deep Meadow’ is inspired by the poem ‘Universal Solar Calendar’ written by poet, mystic, shaman, and visionary Angus Maclise. Maclise began as the percussionist in an early iteration of La Monte Young's Theatre Of Eternal Music and later played with the Velvet Underground before moving to Nepal, where he wrote and published an impressive collection of poetry and music.
Side one of the album was created at a time when Tye had been exploring ideas around artificial intelligence, delving into books such as ‘The Physics Of Immortality’ by Frank J. Tippler, ‘Novacene’ by James Lovelock, and ’12 Bytes’ by Jeanette Winterson, seeking an alternative to the prevalent, negative views of AI. He was also inspired by the Buddhist perspective of AI as an integral part of consciousness evolution, as evidenced by the creation of a Buddhist robot that preaches in the Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto.
Side two consists of two long-form pieces, one composed for Janine Rook’s ‘Made In Dreams’ exhibition and the other for Vix Hill Ryder’s ‘Wild Edges’ film. For ‘Made In Dreams’, text from the exhibition catalogue was processed via the Holly Herndon Holly + app to create an environment that is simultaneously otherworldly and warm.
- A1 Ways To The Deep Meadow
- A2 Souls Fall Away
- A3 Day Of The Voyage
- A4 Plains Of Paradise
- A5 Angel Falls
- B1 Made In Dreams
- B2 An Ending Full Of Light