Reperspective is essentially a collection of remixes of tracks from the dance trio's third album.
- A1 We Come 1 (Wookie Remix)
- A2 One Step To Far (Radio Edit)
- A3 Liontamer (Ernest St Laurent Remix)
- B1 Lotus
- B2 Crazy English Summer (Brothers On High Remix)
- B3 Giving Myself Away (P-nut Remix)
- C1 God Is A Beckham (The BBC World Cup Theme)
- C2 Evergreen (Dusted Remix)
- C3 Not Enuff Love (Skinny Remix)
- C4 Daimoku
- D1 Crazy English Summer (Hiver & Hammer Remix)
- D2 We Come 1 (Dave Clarke Remix)