European issue of this collection of Jazz themes from 1987. Recorded in London between January and September 1986. Featuring musicians Bill Lovelady, Aubrei Oaki, Francis Fuster, Clive "Mayuyu" Mngaza, Richard Stevens, Mopati "Bully" Tsienyane, Kalahari, Michael Timothy, Don Freeman, John B "Longwe" Selolwane, Geoff Haslam, Hugh Masekela, Johnny Stirling, Banjo T Mosele, Mark Millington, Michael Osapanin, Sonti Mndebele, Beverley Skeete, Patricia Knight & Tsepo Tshola, Tu Nokwe.
- A1 Bring Him Back Home
- A2 Mayibuye
- A3 Ke Bale
- A4 London Fog
- B1 Everybody's Standing Up
- B2 Bird On The Wing
- B3 Something For Nothing
- B4 Serengeti