"Night Sky" takes its time to grow, with Russom building anticipation one flickering, starry note at a time. The buzzy bottom end enters and expands before his vocals-alleyway dark and mysterious-make their way in. The song is nearly at the four-minute mark before all the elements, including the beat that marks the song's pulse, are in place. From there, "Night Sky" dips and dives, going from barebones synthesizers resting on organic percussion to explosive vocal choruses. The end reunites nearly every sound in an ecstatic ensemble of rhythms and noise. The Mutant Beat Dance Remix comes courtesy of Chicago's Melvin Oliphant, a.k.a. DJ / producer Traxx (whose previous aliases have included ViLLan X, XX Art, Dirty Criminals, Mysterio and X2), the man behind the Nation record label. Here, the jakbeat innovator undoes the original and reforms it, maintaining the spookiness of Russom's version. The new elements here-a thick bassline, shuffling beat, wiry electro etchings, eerie washes of synths that swell unexpectedly and unannounced-make for a unique and unpredictable collection of sounds.
- A Night Sky (Original Version)
- B Night Sky (Mutant Beat Dance Adjustment)