An album recorded on October 17th, '70 at the Donaueschingen Music Festival and November 7th, '70 at the Berlin Jazz Festival. Featuring musicians Abshlom Ben Shlomo, Danny Davis, Marshall Allen, Danny Thompson, Pat Patrick, Alejandro Blake Fearon, Robert Cummings, Lex Humphries, James Jackson, Ahk Tal Ebah, Leroy Taylor, Sun Ra, Hazoume, Ife Tayo, Math Samba, John Gilmore, Kwame Hadi, Alan Silva & June Tyson.
- 1 Strange Dreams - Strange Worlds - Black Myth - It's After The End Of The World
- 2 Black Forest Myth
- 3 Watusi, Egyptian March
- 4 Myth Versus Reality (The Myth-Science Aproach) - Angelic Proclamation - Out In Space
- 5 Duos