Musically, the album reaches into sounds and styles Haywood-Smith has continued to explore throughout his catalogue. 'I think I made a really big deal to not pigeonhole myself', he explains. 'Whatever is inspiring me at one point will work its way into whatever I'm creating'. 'Slingshot' is an amalgamation of Haywood-Smith's many musical sensibilities, achieved with help from a crew of talented peers. Haywood-Smith wrote and performed a bulk of the track's instrumentations, but the LP has notable appearances from Canadian contemporaries Ami Cheon (on 'Just Sayin'') and Mckinley Dixon (on 'Shine').
- 1 Intro (End of an Era)
- 2 God Is A Reptile
- 3 Pray, Move on
- 4 All Night Long
- 5 Just Sayin
- 6 Is It True (Dreams Pt. 3)
- 7 Kitchen Floor
- 8 Shine
- 9 Tulips
- 10 YGBO - Interlude
- 11 Thank You
- 12 Arrival (Outro)